Trust In God but Lock Your Car

Dear Elías,

The issue of trust in people is a very tricky topic. Your Pak Tok and me can be very gullible. We sometimes give more than we take because we think people are good and there will some reciprocity for our deeds. We also trust peoepl easily. This, as I have learned and continue to learn at age 38, is just not true.

It’s nice to think that everyone is good, but people often think about themselves first. They might be kind because they want something from you.

Nothing is ever free in this world. No one offers you anything for nothing. Yes, it may seem like it, but it never is. I know I sound cycnicial but this is something I must warn you about.

When someone offes you something, always try to figure out what they want from you. Put yourself in their shoes (and I mean sit down and really simulate the situation in your mind) and think about their motives. This will help you understand them better.

When you go into an agreement with someone, always put it in writing. Always have a witness.

Being careful doesn't mean you can’t trust anyone. It just means you are smart and aware. This way, you can protect yourself while still finding good people.

Remember, I love you very much and want to help you grow wise and strong.

Protect yourself at all times.
