6 Questions for a Great Story

Basic Plot

The basic plot to explaining anything is the S-C-R method:

Situation - Give an overview of where everything is at baseline. Do this to set up the anticipation i k mp i’m ok of the problem.

Conflict - The problem. Something that needs to be overcome. It has to be compelling and significant.

Resolution - How this problem can be or was solved.

1.	The Lion King - Simba needs to overcome his guilt and fear to reclaim his rightful place as king, restoring balance to the Pride Lands.
2.	Lord of the Rings - Frodo Baggins must carry the One Ring to Mount Doom and destroy it to prevent Sauron from enslaving Middle-earth.
3.	The Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius seeks revenge against the corrupt Emperor Commodus who murdered his family, ultimately seeking justice and peace in death.
4.	Harry Potter - Harry must defeat Voldemort to protect both the wizarding and Muggle worlds from tyranny and fear.
5.	Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) - Luke Skywalker embarks on a journey to destroy the Death Star and help the Rebel Alliance defeat the Empire, discovering his own destiny as a Jedi.
6.	Finding Nemo - Marlin must journey across the ocean to rescue his son Nemo, overcoming his own fears and learning to trust others along the way.

The 6 Questions

Now for a story, we adapt the main SCR structure to 6 basic question in storytelling.

  1. Who is it about?

Human beings always turn stories into stories about PEOPLE.

  1. What do they want?

Human beings will always focus, care, and follow when we know SOMEONE WANTS SOMETHING. Make it specific.

  1. What is the Obstacle?

Obstacles require the main character to do something.

  1. What did they do?

What they do makes up the bulk of the story.

What they do defines who they are, defines their character.

  1. Why they Failed? This makes the ending more significant. It shows struggl.
  2. The final solution / The Ending. That makes a statement. It must have a meaning.


Finding Nemo

•Who is it about?

Marlin, a clownfish searching for his son, Nemo.
• What do they want?
To find and rescue his son, Nemo, who has been captured by a diver and placed in a fish tank.
• What is the Obstacle?
The vast and dangerous ocean, Marlin’s own fears, and the many challenges along the way.
• What did they do?
Marlin, with the help of Dory, journeys across the ocean, facing numerous dangers, and never giving up hope of finding Nemo.
• Why did they fail?
At times, Marlin’s fears and overprotectiveness hinder his progress, and he briefly loses hope when things seem most dire.
• The final solution / The Ending:
Marlin finds Nemo, and together they escape from the fish tank. Marlin learns to trust Nemo’s abilities, and they return home with a stronger bond.